“The Only Year-Round Club in Southern Indiana”
Open Gym & Tryout Dates. These dates are released annually around Labor Day.
Click HERE for ALL CLUB info….
Club Team Players receive Professional Training Year-Round (October to August).
Come Find Out Why Metro VBC is the BEST!
Call Sonny for Question at (812) 479-5425.
Open Gyms: Call For Times for FREE Gyms.
OFF Season Summer Training is for Current Travel Volleyball Club Members ONLY.
*All programs require a predetermined fee or deposit amount, and all paperwork to be filled out correctly by the deadline to receive entry into a league. Metro reserves the right to refuse a team or player entry into any league for any reason or to amend any rules at its discretion. There are no refunds for any reason after the deadline has occurred or a player has participated in a program. *
Position Training & Open Gyms are FREE for ALL CURRENT Metro VBC Travel Club Team Players ONLY.
Training is Now on-line.
Consult your current players team schedule or your Coach for specific details.
The information contained is meant to be used for instructional purposes and can vary from year to year based off of inflation, tournament costs, uniform expenses, rental fees and coach’s salaries, etc. Each year, a list of what is included in your club fees will be distributed to you at your signing day. If you ever have any questions, please email the Director Sonny Nguyen at
What is different from Travel Volleyball Club participation versus the Recreational Leagues you offer? There are no tryouts for Recreation Leagues and everyone registering makes a team. Rec Leagues are offered 5 separate times throughout the year and last about 2 months each. Club Volleyball has tryouts, and not everyone makes a team. Our Volleyball Club is a year-round program. If your child makes a club team, and signs, she will be part of that program for an entire year.
Does it cost to Come to “Open Gyms” or Tryouts? Open Gyms are free and offered a couple times prior to tryouts. Anyone age appropriate can come to open gyms. You MUST fill out a waiver to participate. Tryouts do Cost. The current tryout fee is $50 per player and tryouts last 2 to 3 days.
Who can Tryout? Anyone, Male or female ages 9 thru 18. Yes, we have Girls & Boys teams.
When are Tryouts? Tryouts are always in early to mid-October for U14 & down and Late October to Early November for U15 to U18. These dates are usually based off the school team seasons ending dates for each level.
What age group do we try out for? All players must tryout for their specific age group as defined by USA Volleyball at
USAV age eligibility chart – calculator.pdf (
Can my Child Play with her friends or request a certain team/coach? The individual coaches for each team pick their own players based off how they personally evaluate the players during tryouts. Special requests are not allowed.
My child is new to Metro VBC, can they make a team over someone that has been in the club for years? YES! Every year is a new year. There is not seniority here, and each player must compete at tryouts every year for a spot on a team.
If we make a team, what are our options? You control your future at that point. If you choose to accept a position on a team, you will financially commit within a week by signing a contract and paying your fee(s). There will be a parent’s meeting within days of tryouts ending, and payment must be made at this time. Payment plans are privately available upon request. There are NO Refunds for any reason.
How many Travel Teams does Metro VBC have? Metro VBC is different than other clubs in our area. We are not affiliated with one area, high school or college. Metro VBC has the ability to grow based off the demand. There is not a predetermined number of team(s) per age group. It is based off need, availability of court time & quality coaches available, etc. We have grown from 14 to 22 teams in just the past 3 seasons.
How long is the season? Tournament season length varies based off the team your child makes, but that part of the program ends somewhere between the end of March & the end of June. The players are committed from October thru September of the next year. Tryouts for club volleyball are just once per year.
How Much does it Cost & what do we get for our money? Team fees can range from $2500 to $3500 or more depending on expenses (subject to change). Each year, Metro VBC may offer National Teams, Regional Teams & Club Teams. National Teams have more tournaments, travel farther and thus incur more expenses. A detailed list will be given to you at the parents meeting. Your Fees pay for Court Rental, Uniforms, Coaches Salary & Travel Expenses, Tournament Fees, Position Training, Equipment, Speed & Agility Training, League Participation Fees, Sand Programs, Admin Fees, Maintenance & Upkeep, etc. Your fees do NOT cover family travel expenses (Hotels, Food, Gas, etc.).
Can My Child choose what position they want to play? They can tryout out for specific position(s), but ultimately what they play, and how much they play is up to their coach. Club volleyball is not “a pay to play” program. Your fees do NOT guarantee them playing time in Tournaments.
Where will we practice? All practices are held at Metro Sports Center. We currently have 3 indoor courts, and one outside sand court. Each team gets a set practice schedule at the beginning of the season.
Where will we play our tournaments & do we pay for our own travel? Yes, you pay for all your own travel. That includes hotel stays, food & gas, as well as any other expenses you incur while traveling to tournaments. Metro VBC travels to Indianapolis, St Louis, Nashville, Louisville, Chattanooga, etc. National Teams do travel to Orlando, Florida each June to compete in the National Championships. The destinations can change from year to year, but this is a good gauge of travel distances involved.
We hope this answers a lot of your questions, but you can always contact the volleyball director for any additional information.